.NET Barcode Reader SDK

If you found this page while looking for a .NET barcode reader SDK you might have already noticed that the available open source SDKs do hardly deliver any quality and the commercial SDKs are way above any reasonable budget. Who needs a complete imaging suite when you just want to read barcodes?

This was exactly the situation that motivated us to code our own barcode reader SDK.

Our SDK does not just scan an image for  barcodes, it extracts features and recombines them to barcodes. With this approach we just need to scan an image once to be able to extract any barcode, whatever his orientation might be.

Besides the barcode value you will get to know the type of every barcode found, its bounding box on the image and its orientation in radians.

  • written in pure manged C++ for extra performance
  • supported 1D barcode types: ITF, Ean, C39, C128
  • supported 2D barcode types: DataMatrix, QR, PDF417